Untitled No. 1, Ethan Swanson |
While it may have taken a lot longer than it should have to print our photos (That dang printer!), overall I think it was really worth it to be able to see a physical version of our photographs. I really liked the look of my photos, and they really feel different on paper and displayed than on a computer. I the texture that the printer adds is really nice. And displaying them professionally with lights and frames was also really fulfilling. The gallery space really directs the eye and makes you focus on the artwork in a different way.
Making the book may have been one of my favorite things we did in class. The process of arranging the photos in a sequence gave a different mood to my photos, and gave an opportunity to tell a visual "story". I also liked arranging the photos in different ways directionally, so that the viewer has to work with the book, and the act of viewing isn't a passive experience. I'm really happy with my photos and everyone has such great work, I hope people visit our show!
I like the lights in the gallery, too! The process to make a book is new and interesting. I did learned a lot from that.