Experiment Link: https://soundcloud.com/user-855245494/soundscape-experiment?si=f1216a12cb444d60becf68f61968ac3a "In general we feel more secure when things are visible , when we can 'see for ourselves'." (McLuhan, 117) The above quote emphasizes what I wanted to do when creating this project. I wanted to try to make something musical (because I haven't done that before) but I mostly wanted to create a piece of sound that would conjure some sort of imagery in listeners heads. I think the interplay between visual and auditory is really interesting, especially when they overlap. So I wanted this sound to indicate something visual even though it isn't. I made this project out of instruments that Garageband already had, using the virtual midi keyboard on my computer. It was really fun to play and try to put together a little 'song'. I really enjoyed adding effects using the peddle board options and messing around w...